How may we help you?

Fill out the form below for an email response within 1 business day.

You can also contact us via live chat, email or discord:

Email -
Discord - Packattack#8306 (Capital P)

Contact form

Frequently asked questions

1. How long does the process take?

Once the payment is received, you’ll receive an automated email asking for login information, server and game ID. Once all appropriate information is provided, the items will be delivered/processed within approximately 30 minutes.

2. Will I get banned or receive a negative balance using this services?

No. While using third-party services is against most games TOS, there has never been an account banned or given a negative balance. Purchase at your own discretion. 

3. How can you provide a discount on these items?

While we don’t have an official affiliation with the game providers, all purchases are made legitimately through the App Store. The discount is possible due to regional pricing.

4. Is login information required?

Login information is required for most Top Up orders. This information is only used to process the orders, which is handled with great care and confidentiality. Trusted by thousands of games worldwide (check out our reviews!).